Barnabe Rich

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Barnabe Rich (also Barnabe Riche , * around 1540 , † 1617 in Ireland ) was an English writer .


Rich was a long-time professional soldier (1562-1574) and began writing while still serving as a spy for the Crown in Ireland, where he also died. Rich wrote romances imitating the graceful prose style of John Lyly . His best known work is "His Farewell to Militarie Profession" (1581), a collection of eight stories, one of which was William Shakespeare's source for " What You Want ". He also wrote reports on Ireland, commentaries on manners, pamphlets and translations.


Individual evidence

  1. See Michael Dobson , Stanley Wells (Ed.): The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, Oxford 2015, ISBN 978-0-19-870873-5 , p. 466.