Barontus and Desiderius

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Barontus (Barontius) ( French Baronce , Italian Baronto, Baronzio ) and Desiderius ( French Dizier , Italian Desiderio ) are two hermits of the eighth century who are venerated as saints in the Catholic Church . They lived as hermits near Pistoia , Italy .

After the 11/12. Century coming Vita was Barontus identical to a same Frankish nobleman of Berry , who with his son as a monk in Saint-Pierre de Longoret (Longo Reto, Longoretum, Lonrey) ( Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bourges , today) as the monastery of Saint-Cyran-du-Jambot known , lived.

Visio Baronti Monachi Longoretensis

According to a text known as Visio Baronti Monachi Longoretensis , about 4,700 words in length, dated March 25, 678 or 679 and attributed to Barontus himself, about the year 678 Barontus had a vision in which he saw both heaven and hell .

Barontus relates that he fell into a deep sleep and had a vision in which he was attacked by two demons who were choking, biting and trying to lead him to hell. But the archangel Raphael comes to his aid and lifts him up towards heaven. On the way there they fly over their own monastery and the monastery of Millebecus and Barontus is attacked by a second group of demons. After reaching the first door of heaven, Raphael accompanies Barontus on a journey through four levels of heaven. Barontus meets people he knew, including monks from his own monastery, Longoreto. Raphael asks another angel to fetch Peter so that he can pass judgment on Barontus.

The demons bring their allegations against Barontus, going through all of the sins he has committed since childhood, including those he has completely forgotten. Above all, he illegitimately had three wives and often committed adultery. But Peter asks the demons to let go of Barontus: the good he has done and the fact that he has confessed and atone for his sins outweighs the bad. But the demons don't want to give in. Angry, Peter sets out to hit her with the three keys that he is holding in his hand. But before that happens, the demons flee. Peter then decides to send Barontus back to earth on a detour through Hell, where he can view the torments of the condemned souls.

After waking up from his sleep, he is asked to share his vision.

In Pistoia

This vision led Barontus - according to the Vita - to the decision to become a hermit. Together with Desiderius, who was also a monk, he settled near Pistoia. They lived a very simple life there and also found students to join them.

The death dates of the two are uncertain. Their names are listed in the Martyrologium Romanum . March 26th is given as her feast day. The Bollandists give March 25th.


  1. a b c d Saints of March 25 . St. Patrick Catholic Church: Saint of the Day. Retrieved May 14, 2009.
  2. LThK 2 u. 3 , each volume 2, article "Barontus"
  3. ^ Eileen Gardiner: Judeo-Christian Hell Texts . Hell-On-Line. 2006. Retrieved May 18, 2009.
  4. a b Caroline Walker Bynum, Paul H. Freedman, Last things: death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000), 54.
  5. ^ A b c d e , Societe des Bollandistes, Acta Sanctorum, Martii, Tomus III (1668), 567-574.
  6. a b c d e Eileen Gardiner, Medieval visions of heaven and hell: a sourcebook (Published by Taylor & Francis, 1993), 43-44.
  7. a b The bright Barontius og Desiderius av Pistoia (d. ~ 725) . Katolsk. November 7, 1998. Retrieved May 14, 2009.


  • Yitzhan Hen, The Structure and Aims of the Visio Baronti, J Theol Studies (1996) 47 (2): 477-497
  • Fritzsche, C., The Latin Visions of the Middle Ages to the Middle of the 12th Century, Romanische Forschungen 2 (1886): 247–79