Barroco na Bahia

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Barroco na Bahia
Seat: BrazilBrazil Salvador da Bahia
Founding: 1993
Genus: Youth choir
Founder: Hans Bonisch
Voices : 40 ( SATB )
Website :

Barroco na Bahia is a German-Brazilian project in the field of youth work in Salvador da Bahia .


With classical music and a socio-cultural approach, the attempt is made to convey the values ​​of humanism with young people from middle and lower classes of the city with the help of vocal and choral music as well as joint work on larger projects including opera.


In 1992, the then Cardinal Archbishop of Salvador Lucas Moreira Neves invited Hans Bönisch from the Diocese of Mainz to revive church music. First the non-profit association Barock in Bahia eV was founded with German sponsors, whose first task was to install a small pipe organ in the cathedral of Salvador. In addition to building the organ, the first projects were the establishment of a choir Coro Barroco na Bahia and an orchestra. Other cultural activities were added later, such as various courses for young people on restoration, languages, music, instruments or history.

Hans Bönisch founded the choir and orchestra in January 1993 and inaugurated the organ on January 17, 1993 with his brother Peter Bönisch on the trumpet as part of a festive concert for trumpet and organ. Since March 1993 there have been regular performances and concerts. Among other things, Holy Week is festively designed with music every year with solos, choir, organ and orchestra.

Since 1993 there have also been regular concerts in the Cathedral of Salvador and in the concert hall of the Barroco na Bahia cultural center , as well as major performances several times a year with choir, solos and orchestra. Under the direction of Domkapellmeister Hans Bönisch, works such as the Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach and the Requiem by Mozart, along with other great choral works, are performed almost every year. Opera performances have been added since 1997.

In 1995 and 1996, together with the European Center for the Preservation of Handicrafts, Raesfeld Castle and the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, a former colonial city villa was renovated and handed over to the Barroco na Bahia project . In April 2004, the first extension of the cultural center was completed with the help of KfW Development Bank ; The new building, an Art Nouveau building, houses the new concert hall ( Sala Dom Lucas Moreira Neves ) as well as offices, guest rooms and workshops.


Barroco na Bahia aims in particular to revitalize classical church music ( Musica Sacra ) in Salvador da Bahia. The focus of the work is the historic cathedral of Salvador, a building of the Jesuit Baroque of the 17th and 18th centuries. The main activities of the project are the Sunday church concerts in the cathedral, the choir work with the Coro Barroco na Bahia chamber choir (currently with around 40 young people), the organ in the cathedral (two manuals and a pedal with 25 stops), the event of German operas in the Castro Alves State Theater in Salvador (twelve operas were already staged between 1997 and 2008) and the Kulturzentrum, a renovated colonial city villa from the beginning of the 20th century. Choir rehearsals, courses and other events take place there.

In the past few years 985 concerts, twelve opera productions and numerous courses in the field of music, theater and languages ​​have been organized, including invitations to German choirs. The project does not receive any financial support from the Catholic Church, but is purely private, in particular through donations, and has its own cultural center. The small hotel Pousada Barroco na Bahia has existed since 2006 , the proceeds of which are also used for cultural work.

In 2004, Hans Bönisch received the Federal Republic of Germany's Medal of Merit .

Opera productions

There have been several international opera productions:

Individual evidence
