Bartholomew of Simeri

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St. Bartholomew von Simeri (* after 1050 in Simeri (CZ); † August 19, 1130 ) was an Italo-Byzantine monk and founder of the monastery of S. Maria Hodogetria near Rossano .

At first he lived as a hermit in Calabria . With the support of Admiral Christodoulos and the regent Adelasia , he reformed the monastery of S. Maria Hodogetria near Rossano in the connection of oriental and occidental traditions. The prerequisite for success was the autonomy of the Greek Archbishop of Rossano, which was offered to him by Paschal II in 1105 with the granting of Rome immediacy. With its foundation, he set an example of the successful coexistence of Greek monasticism with the new Norman rulers.

A longer stay on Mount Athos gave him impressions of eastern monastic life. At the request of Rogers II , he prepared the foundation of San Salvatore zu Messina from 1121/22 , which was brought to a conclusion under his student and successor Luke.

In addition to the Bios (Vita) of Bartholomew von Simeri , a homily by Philagathos von Cerami reports on the life and virtues of the saint. Philagathos is probably also the author of the bios.


  • Norbert Kamp, Evangelos Konstantinou: Bartholom (a) eus von Simeri . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 1, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1980, ISBN 3-7608-8901-8 , Sp. 1497 f.
  • Gaia Zaccagni: Il Bios di san Bartolomeo da Simeri. In: Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici. ns 33, 1996, pp. 193-274 (critical edition of the Vita with Italian translation).
  • Stefano Caruso: Il santo, il re, la curia, l'impero, sul processo per eresia contro Bartolomeo da Simeri (XI – XII sec.) . In: Bizantinistica 2. Ser. 1. 1999, 51-72.305-349;
  • Gaia Zaccagni: Considerazioni sulla paternitá del Bios di san Bartolomeo da Simeri . In: Liturgia e agiografia tra Roma e Costantinopoli. Atti del I and II seminario di studio, Roma, Grottaferrata 2000-2001 . Cur. Krassmir Stantchev - Stefano Parenti. Grottaferrata 2007, 33-44.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ BHG 235
  2. ^ BHG 236
  3. Enrica Follieri : I Santi dell'Italia greca. In: André Jacob, Jean-Marie Martin, Ghislaine Noyé (eds.): Histoire et culture dans l'Italie byzantine. École française de Rome, Rome 2006, pp. 122–124.