Bartholomew Vanhomrigh

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Bartholomew Vanhomrigh (* around 1665 , † December 29, 1703 ) was a Dutch merchant who made a considerable fortune in Ireland and, under William III. held various offices.

Vanhomrigh, who had already been a merchant in Amsterdam , moved to Ireland in the late 17th century. There he settled in Dublin. After he became Freeman of the City in Dublin in 1688 , he was naturalized in 1689. From 1697 to 1698 he held the office of Lord Mayor of Dublin .

From 1692 to 1693 and from 1695 to 1699 Vanhomrigh sat for the constituency of Londonderry in the Parliament of Ireland . He was also a fellow of the Dublin Philosophical Society and served as governor of King's Hospital in Oxmantown .

Bartholomew Vanhomrigh married Esther Stone in 1686. The couple had four children, two sons and two daughters. His eldest daughter Esther Vanhomrigh (1688-1723) was known to posterity primarily through her relationship with the Irish writer and satirist Jonathan Swift .


  • Bruce Arnold: "A Protestant Purchaser": Bartholomew Van Homrigh, Merchant Adventurer , published in 2000 in the Annual des Honorary Institute for Swift Studies
  • Raymond Hylton: Ireland's Huguenots and their refuge, 1662-1745: An Unlikely Haven (2005)

Individual evidence

  1. List of the Lord Mayors of Dublin (PDF; 42 kB)
  2. EM Johnston Liik: History of the Irish Parliament 1692-1800: Commons constituencies and Statutes (Ulster Historical Foundation, 2007)