Basilica of the Lord of Monserrate

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Basilica on the Monserrate
Interior of the basilica

The Basilica of the Lord of Monserrate ( Spanish Basílica del Señor de Monserrate ) is a sanctuary on the 3,152 meter high Monserrate mountain in the eastern Santa Fe district of Bogotá , the capital of Colombia . The pilgrimage church of the popular pilgrimage site of the Archdiocese of Bogotá was consecrated under the invocation of the fallen Lord ( El Señor Caído ) and opened in 1920.


Between the 1620s and 1630s, the feast of the Holy Cross was celebrated on the high mountain of Las Nieves. Stations of the cross were first built on the ascent , followed by a hermitage on top of the mountain. This building had a chapel and an adjoining monastery, in which Augustinian recollects initially lived. To promote veneration, the sanctuary was consecrated to Our Lady of the Cross by Monserrate , the uncle of co-founder Pedro Solís was abbot in the Spanish monastery of Montserrat . The replica of the Virgin of Montserrat, created in 1640, gave the mountain its name and is flanked by the Colombian flag and the flag of Catalonia. The original figure disappeared in 1950 and was replaced in 1996 by a donation from Montserrat Monastery .

Christ statue

The statue of Christ in the sanctuary was made in 1656 by Pedro de Lugo Albarracín , the statue, carved in wood, is adorned with a few pieces of lead and silver. The depiction of Christ soon acquired greater importance than the figure of Mary and determined the patronage.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the worship of the Lord of Monserrate increased and triggered the enlarged new building of the church. On May 3, 1915, the feast day of the Holy Cross , the demolition of the more than two and a half centuries old hermitage began. The neo-Gothic basilica was built according to plans by the architect Arturo Jaramillo Concha, pilgrims brought bricks for the construction. After five years the church could be consecrated to the Passion of Christ, the construction work lasted until 1925. On the occasion of the three hundredth anniversary of the image of the fallen Lord, Pope Pius XII. Monserrate Church became a minor basilica on May 25, 1956 .

Web links

Commons : Basilica of the Lord of Monserrate  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Basílica del Señor de Monserrate on
  2. Nuestra Señora de Monserrat en Bogotá (Spanish)
  3. ^ Ospina Marcela: La Moreneta más cercana al cielo. In: La Vanguardia. April 25, 2010, Retrieved August 20, 2019 (Spanish).
  4. Bogota Travel Guide - The 22 Places To Go in Bogotá: Monserrate. Retrieved January 22, 2011 .

Coordinates: 4 ° 36 '18.7 "  N , 74 ° 3' 19.6"  W.