Bastion of Fort Thornton

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Bastions of Fort Thornton
National Monument in Sierra Leone Flag of Sierra Leone.svg
Fort Thornton - Freetown - Sierra Leone.jpg
Monument type monument
location Tower Hill , Freetown
Geographic coordinates : 8 ° 29 '1.7 "  N , 13 ° 14' 2.4"  W Coordinates: 8 ° 29 '1.7 "  N , 13 ° 14' 2.4"  W.
Bastion of Fort Thornton (Sierra Leone)
Red pog.svg
Emergence 1792-1805
by the Monuments and Relics Commission
Website Website

The Bastion of Fort Thornton ( English Bastions of Fort Thornton ) is a national monument of the African state of Sierra Leone in Freetown .

Fort Thornton was built between 1792 and 1805 on Smith's Hill, today's Tower Hill , the bastion housed the governor's residence, government offices, as well as the post office and the garrison barracks. Today it is part of the State House .

When the site was to be rebuilt in 1949 for the government buildings located there today, the bastion was placed under protection as a national monument. The complex was integrated into the newly constructed building and, unlike other monuments in Sierra Leone, which were in some cases badly damaged during the civil war , is in good condition. Some cannons that have been preserved are still in their old places to remind of the former function of the bastion.

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