Battle of Chemulpo Bay

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Original title Battle of Chemulpo Bay
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1904
length 3 minutes
production Edison Manufacturing Company
camera Edwin S. Porter

Battle of Chemulpo Bay is an American war film from 1904. The film was released on April 20, 1904 by the Edison Manufacturing Company .

Movie content

Excerpt from the film

The film shows scenes from the battle of Chemulpo in the Russo-Japanese War . The Russian cruiser Varyag and the gunboat Korejez leave the port of Chemulpo (today: Incheon ), but are provided by the Japanese fleet. After heavy fire, both ships turn around again, but sink before they reach the port.

Background information

The film is one of the first war films in film history. The scenes were created in the Black Maria Studios .

Web links