Edison Manufacturing Company

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The Edison Studios was an American film production company.


The studio was founded by Thomas Alva Edison in 1894. It was involved in the production of over 1200 films, including 54 feature films. From 1894 to 1911 it was called the Edison Manufacturing Company and from 1911 to 1918 until its closure in 1918 it was called Thomas A. Edison, Inc. The principal director of the studio was Edwin S. Porter , the most famous films today are The Kiss (1896) and The great train robbery (1903).

Between 1900 and 1907 in particular, the studio also produced influential comedies, including Uncle Josh, the first ever film series, before the star comedies of other studios with Max Linder , John Bunny , Mabel Normand etc. overtook them. In addition to the first film series, What Happened to Mary was also the first US film series to emerge from Edison Studios.

Productions (selection)

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