Conference of Ministers of Construction

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The building ministers' conference is a conference of specialist ministers of the German states . It has existed since November 15, 1948 . The ministers and senators responsible for urban development , construction and housing from the 16  federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany meet at the annual meetings . The Federal Minister of the Interior, responsible for construction and home, is invited as a permanent guest. The conferences are prepared by previous meetings (office chief conferences) of the department heads of the state ministries.

The Conference of Ministers of Construction is a permanent institution and serves to coordinate matters in the construction industry . It discusses issues relating to housing, urban planning and building law and formulates the interests of the states vis-à-vis the federal government . The building ministers' conference agrees on the model building regulations, which form the basis for the state building regulations . The chairmanship rotates between the federal states every two years. In the years 2020-2021 was Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff , Minister of Infrastructure and Agriculture of the State of Thuringia , in the Chair (with interruption of the period from February 5 to March 4, 2020 as Thuringia had no minister of construction).

Anne Katrin Bohle , the civil servant state secretary responsible for building, housing and urban development in the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs, is chairwoman of the Committee for Building, Urban Development and Housing of the Conference of Building Ministers.

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Individual evidence

  1. Career on the website of the BMI. In: . BMI, accessed August 20, 2019 .