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Flavius ​​Bauto († before 388; sometimes also called Baudogast ) was a late antique Roman army master ( magister militum ).

Bauto was of Franconian origin and grew up east of the Rhine, i.e. in an area of ​​Germania not occupied by the Romans. He joined the Roman army and was appointed magister militum (army master) by Emperor Gratian in 380 . Gratian sent him to support the emperor in the east, Theodosius I. In the following years, as well as Bishop Ambrosius of Milan , who mentions him several times, Bauto was the main advisor to Emperor Valentinian II , who ruled in the west after Gratian's assassination in 383. In 383 Bauto hit after Raetien sunken Juthungen back and is against the usurper Magnus Maximus have mobilized several barbarian tribes. Although Bauto was a pagan and known Quintus Aurelius Symmachus , in 384 he supported the rejection of a petition by pagan senators by Emperor Valentinian II in the dispute over the Victoria Altar. In 385, Bauto held the consulate together with the eldest son of Theodosius, who later became the Eastern Roman emperor Arcadius .

In the sources, Bauto's military skills are praised, and he is said to have amassed an immense fortune. Supposedly, Bauto was the father of the army master Arbogast (at least according to John of Antioch ), which is rather unlikely. Bauto's daughter, the highly educated Aelia Eudoxia , married Emperor Arcadius in 395 .



  1. Zosimos 4,33,1; Ambrose of Milan , letter 24.8.
  2. Ambrosius, Letter 24.4; 24.8; 57.3.