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Bawarih in hieroglyphics
M17 P5
X1 Z4

The hostile winds
Dust storm over Libya.jpg
Dust storm over Libya ( NASA / EOS )

Bawarih , also al-Bawarih ( Arabic البوارح, DMG al-Bawāriḥ ; ancient Egyptian sebiu ), is the Arabic name for the hot north winds that cause an unpleasant climate at the beginning of summer due to their occurrence as desert storms in Kuwait , Libya as well as on the Arabian Peninsula and in Egypt . According to the Almanacs , the hot north winds arrive between the 22nd and 28th  Bashans (May 28th to June 3rd) and then blow for about 40 days until mid-July.

On the naos of the decades , the action of the hostile winds is dated to the 26th  decade (June 8th to 17th):

“The great God at the beginning ... is the one who lets the hostile winds arise in the sky in the evening and who puts the diseases in the eyes. He is the one who drives the rebels off the two barges of the Re when the evening barge comes in the hostile wind and he is the one who prepares the way for the morning barge. "

- Naos of the decades

The mentioned eye diseases occurred especially with the arrival of the hot north winds. The day selection calendar shows that the north winds generally blow during the period from late April to mid-July. The dates on the naos of the decades roughly correspond to the dates in the almanacs.

See also
