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operator Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home
On-line 2004 (predecessor BayernViewer )

The Bayern Atlas is a service of the Bavarian State Office for digitization, broadband and Surveying (until 31 December 2013 the State Office for Surveying and Geographic Information ). On September 14, 2012, it replaced BayernViewer , which had existed since 2004 .

The State Office provides the BayernAtlas as an infrastructure service as part of its public tasks. It enables the presentation of official geospatial base data and navigation based on this data.

Every internet user can use the BayernAtlas within the scope of the terms of use for internal private as well as internal business purposes or link to it from internet pages. Use and linking is free of charge.

In addition to the normal version for desktop - Browser there is also a version for browsers in smartphones . The software is based on the open source project mf-geoadmin3 from Swisstopo .

The Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation provided the preliminary list of monuments based on the BayernViewer. The Bavarian Monument Atlas was introduced in August 2014 . This can also be used with smartphones and tablets. The BayernAtlas also allows access to maps from the first image from the 19th century.

On March 6, 2013 the BayernAtlas iframe was activated, with which the BayernAtlas can be integrated into your own websites. A time travel function has been available since April 2017, which enables historical maps to be viewed from the start of mapping.

The BayernAtlas also offers paid services that are offered as BayernAtlas plus .

Web links

Commons : BayernAtlas  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. GitHub: geoadmin / mf-geoadmin3
  2. List of monuments of the Bavarian Monument Preservation (Java required)
  3. SÖDER: ZEITMASCHINE BAYERN-ATLAS ( Memento of August 16, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), press release of the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance of April 6, 2017
  4. PDF