Beatus Andreas

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Beatus Andreas is a papal bull dated February 22, 1755. With it Pope Benedict XIV allowed the veneration of Andreas (Anderl) Oxner von Rinn . He recognized his de facto beatification ( Latin : beatificatio aequipollens), but denied him a beatification according to canon law . The Pope reaffirmed the devotion to the child and described the alleged martyrdom and understanding of local devotion.

With this bull began a bitter dispute about the “beatification” of the child, several cults for veneration emerged, some of which found influence in anti-Semitic endeavors.

In the bull, Benedict XIV allowed a liturgical celebration , an indulgence and a day of remembrance:

“… On December 15, 1752, an own mass and an own office with special readings are approved, to be read by the clergy and religious of both sexes according to the rite of a duplex festival in the city and in the entire diocese of Bressanone. […] And we have also promised the petitions of the aforementioned Bishop of Brixen and the others just mentioned, and on January 15th we granted a perfect indulgence to all those who, after confession and reception of St. Communion on July 12th of each year, go to the church in Rinn, where the relics of Blessed Andrew rest. "

Individual evidence

  1. ^ " André de Rinn ", in: Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques
  2. ^ Andreas (Anderl) Oxner von Rinn, from: Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon
