Accession Agreement

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The accession treaty between a state and the member states of the European Union represents the formal conclusion of the accession negotiations between a candidate country and the EU obligations contained therein.

The treaty will enter into force on the date specified after the ratification process has been completed. It lays down the conditions and modalities relating to accession, including the rights and obligations of the new Member States and the adjustments made by the European institutions. An accession treaty represents an amendment to the EU treaties and thus leads to a change in primary law . The accession treaty usually contains numerous transitional provisions, as agreed during the accession negotiations between the respective candidate country and the EU.


After the accession negotiations have been concluded, the European Commission draws up a draft of an accession treaty with the respective candidate country in the light of the results of these negotiations. The European Council decides whether a candidate country is ready for membership . The draft of the accession treaty is sent to the European Parliament , which has the right to approve any enlargements. The European Parliament decides with an absolute majority of its members. Finally, the accession treaty is formally adopted by the European Council. This is followed by the signature by representatives of the accession state and each EU member state.

Thus the ratification process begins in the member states of the EU in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements. In a Union of 28 member states, this ratification process can take up to two years. If, however, not all future EU states have deposited their instruments of ratification in good time, the treaty will come into force for those states that have deposited their instruments.

In the acceding country itself, a referendum on joining the Union usually follows after signing . This process usually ends with formal approval by the national parliament. However, referendums on the accession of another state may also be required in the EU member states.

Concrete contracts

See also

  • Unification treaty on the accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic

Individual evidence

  1. European Commission. Extension. Accession Agreement. ( Memento from April 18, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Fischer World Almanac. EU: Accession Treaty.

Web links