Bellotti red-eye tetra

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Bellotti red-eye tetra
Hemigrammus bellottii.jpg

Bellotti red-eye tetra ( Hemigrammus bellottii )

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : True tetras (Characidae)
Genre : Hemigrammus
Type : Bellotti red-eye tetra
Scientific name
Hemigrammus bellottii
( Steindachner , 1882)

The Bellotti red-eye tetra ( Hemigrammus bellottii ), also known as the golden glowing light tetra , is a small freshwater fish from the family of the true tetras (Characidae) and occurs in the Amazon basin in the upper reaches of the Amazon (Rio Solimões), in the Rio Negro and chestnuts .


Hemigrammus bellottii has an elongated, laterally strongly flattened body and becomes 4 centimeters long. Its basic color is light brown, the scales on the back have a dark border, the belly is silvery to whitish. A silvery longitudinal stripe runs from the rear edge of the gill cover to the base of the caudal fin, above it, on the rear half of the body, another narrow stripe. Two more narrow, dark lines lie above the anal fin . The fins are yellowish, the iris silvery, their upper area reddish. Behind the gill cover there is a weak dark spot.

Way of life

Hemigrammus bellottii feeds primarily on small crustaceans and insects, mainly caddis flies , midges and mayfly larvae , as well as ants that have fallen on the surface of the water.


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