Ben van Beurden

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Ben van Beurden

Ben van Beurden (born April 23, 1958 in Roosendaal ) is a Dutch manager .


Van Beurden studied chemical engineering at the Technical University of Delft . He has worked for the Royal Dutch Shell Group for over 30 years. Van Beurden has succeeded Peter Voser as CEO of Royal Dutch Shell since January 2014 .

As CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, he earned 9.729 million euros in 2015.

From June 11th to 14th, 2015 he took part in the 63rd Bilderberg Conference in Telfs- Buchen in Austria .

He is married to Stacey van Beurden and has four children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brian Swint: At the helm of Shell, Ben Van Beurden follows Peter Voser. In: of July 9, 2013
  2. Top earners: Europe's highest paid CEOs. In: Retrieved July 6, 2016 .