Bengt Broms

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Bengt Baltzar Broms (born June 17, 1928 in Örebro ) is a Swedish civil engineer specializing in geotechnical engineering .

Broms studied at the TH Chalmers in Gothenburg , where he graduated in 1952, and at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , where he received his master’s degree in 1954 and his doctorate in 1956. He then worked as a research engineer at Royal Dutch Shell in Houston until 1959 . In 1959 he became an associate professor at Cornell University . From 1964 he was back in Sweden as director of the Swedish Geotechnical Institute in Stockholm. From 1974 to 1982 he was professor of soil mechanics and rock mechanics at the Royal Technical University in Stockholm and then until his retirement in 1995 he was professor and head of the geotechnical engineering and surveying department at the Technical University of Nanyang in Singapore .

Among other things, he dealt with piles, soil improvement, landslides and their stabilization.

From 1977 to 1981 he was Vice President of the International Geotechnical Society ISSMGE for Europe and from 1985 to 1989 its President.

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