Bengt Rune Strifeldt

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Bengt Rune Strifeldt (born March 24, 1971 ) is a Norwegian politician of the right-wing Fremskrittspartiet (FrP). He has been a member of parliament in Storting since 2017 .


Strifeldt comes from the northern Norwegian municipality of Alta , where he was a member of the local parliament . In 2015 he became a Member of Parliament in the Fylkesting of what was then Finnmark Province .

In the general election in 2017 Strifeldt moved for the first time in the Norwegian National Parliament Storting one. There he represents the constituency of Finnmark and he was initially a member of the Transport and Communication Committee. In September 2018 he moved to the Economic Committee during the current legislative period.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robin Mortensen, Allan Klo: Mener den nye Alta-dominansen på fylkestinget er et problem. In: NRK. September 24, 2015, accessed June 29, 2020 (Norwegian).