Benno Plöchinger

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Benno Plöchinger (born March 7, 1917 - † January 31, 2006 ) was an Austrian geologist.


Plöchinger obtained his Matura in Vienna in 1938 . He then did military service until 1945 and then began studying geology at the University of Vienna , which he completed with a doctorate in 1949 ("A contribution to the geology of the Salzkammergut in the area from Strobl on Lake Wolfgang to the slope of the Zwieselalm"). From 1949 he was at the Federal Geological Institute (GBA) with a permanent position from 1950. He retired in 1982 and he received the title of professor. In the 1980s he lectured at the University of Salzburg.

Benno Plöchinger was considered a specialist in the northern limestone Alps . From 1972 to 1979, Plöchinger was department head for Upper Austria and Salzburg at the Federal Geological Institute.

honors and awards


  • with Siegmund Prey: The Vienna Woods. Editing: Wolfgang Schnabel, Gebr. Borntraeger, Geological Guide Collection 59, 2. completely revised. 1993 edition.
  • Salzburg Limestone Alps, Borntraeger, Geological Guide Collection 73, 1983
  • with Peter Karanitsch: The fascination of geological history with a focus on Mödling at the Alpenostrand, Mödling, Heimatverlag 2002
  • From the life of the earth. Around the Halleiner Salzberg - Popular scientific publications of the Federal Geological Institute, Vienna 2006

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