Predictable order

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In theoretical computer science , more precisely in the theory of computability , calculable orders denote certain decidable relations . They form the starting point for semi-calculable quantities as well as for calculable ordinal numbers .


Let it be a total order on the set of natural numbers .

The relation is called computable order if the function is totally computable .

In other words, a computable order is a two-digit, total, reflexive , transitive , antisymmetric and decidable relation on the natural numbers.

In principle, one could consider calculable orders on a different basic area. However, if this is finite, then every total order is calculable; if it is uncountable , it is not. For countably infinite basic areas, on the other hand, there is always a bijection from the natural numbers, along which the order can be withdrawn.

Examples and counterexamples

  • The natural arrangement of is predictable.
  • The order is also predictable.
  • Designate the special holding problem and its complement , then is not calculable.

These examples show that order isomorphism and predictability are independent of each other. In particular, an order automorphism is only calculable if it is calculable itself.

Semi-computable quantities

A lot of hot semi-computable (from English semirecursive ), if there is a totally computable function such that and holds.

In other words, for every two natural numbers, the one that is closer to in is calculated . This means that as soon as at least one of the two inputs is actually in , an element of is also returned.

Note : The concept of the semi-computable set must not be confused with that of the semi-decidable set.

The following characterization now results:

A set is semi-computable if and only if it is an initial part of a computable order.

The following properties also apply:

  • Decidable sets are semi-computable; the reverse is generally not true.
  • Complements of semi-computable sets are also semi-computable again.
  • Is many-one reducible to a semi-predictable amount , so is also semi-predictable.
  • Every Turing degree contains a semi-calculable set. In fact there is one in every degree, cf. Reduction .
  • Simple semi-computable sets are hyper-simple .
