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Bergwinkel refers to a region around the town of Schlüchtern in the Main-Kinzig district in East Hesse , Germany .

It describes a small region of the ridge where the foothills of the Brückenau Kuppenrhön in the east, the sandstone spas in the south and the south of the Lower Vogelsberg in the west meet. As a mountain angle in the dictionary of the German language by Joachim Heinrich Campe generally "an angle between mountains, a valley that ends between two mountains in an acute angle".

The Bergwinkel Museum is located in Schlüchtern . The region's best-known son is the humanist Ulrich von Hutten , who was born at Steckelberg Castle .


Praesent, Wilhelm (Hrsg.): Bergwinkel Chronicle. Timeline and picture book on the history of the Schlüchtern district. Together u. ed. in the order d. Home Federation Schlüchtern. Schlüchtern: Verlag des Heimatbund 1929

Individual evidence

  1. Googlebooks , accessed January 15, 2012

Web links