Berlin Hamburger and Lehrter freight yard

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Berlin Hamb u teaches Bf
Berlin HuL, December 16, 1988
Berlin HuL, December 16, 1988
Operating point type Transshipment station
Location in the network Terminus
Platform tracks 0
abbreviation BHUL
opening March 1, 1881
November 1, 1980 (container terminal)
City / municipality Berlin
Place / district Moabit
country Berlin
Country Germany
Coordinates 52 ° 31 '58 "  N , 13 ° 21' 49"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 31 '58 "  N , 13 ° 21' 49"  E
Railway lines
Railway stations in Berlin
i16 i16 i18

Berlin Hamburger und Lehrter Güterbahnhof (railway authority Berlin Hamb u Lehrt Bf ) is a goods yard in Berlin-Moabit in the Mitte district .


Plan from 1896

On March 1, 1881, the Berlin-Hamburg marshalling yard, from which the Hamburger and Lehrter freight yard later emerged, was fully commissioned.

On November 1, 1980, the "Spreeufer" freight yard and the Lehrter passenger station were abandoned and the HuL container terminal opened in the Hamburg and Lehrter freight yards as a replacement. In addition, goods traffic to the Westhafen runs through the station . The freight station is reached from Berlin-Moabit station , trains to the Westhafen have to change direction.

In the course of the redesign of the former HuL container station, the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection commissioned an expert report on the “Lehrter Bahnhof development area” for handling roadside operations. The container terminal was operated until 2003. As a replacement for the terminal at HuL, the new Großbeeren freight traffic center was built in 1998 . In 2006 the two electromechanical interlockings "Hgb" - Hamburger and Lehrter Güterbahnhof and "Hwt" - Hamburger and Lehrter Güterbahnhof West Tower (both built in 1912) were decommissioned and demolished. The two portal cranes were demolished in 2007.

There are now only two tracks in the HuL. The usable length of the tracks is to be extended from currently 453 m or 488 m to 700 m each and both tracks are to be electrified . A plan approval procedure was carried out for this purpose. The aim is to avoid the shunting effort with diesel locomotives and to drive the trains to the Westhafen with the mainline locomotive . The time of expansion is still open.

left the HuL; View from the " high-flyer "
Left in the picture: Exit from HuL in the direction of Berlin-Moabit
level crossing , 1988; in the meantime the track systems end far earlier

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Abbreviations of the operating points
  2. Bahnbetriebswerk Berlin Lehrter Bahnhof , accessed on April 9, 2020
  3. Abbreviations of the operating points
  4. Bahnbetriebswerk Berlin Lehrter Bahnhof on
  5. Traffic planning in the urban planning office Dr.-Ing. J. Hartl , accessed April 9, 2020
  6. Berlin: “Hamburg and Lehrter Bahnhof” container terminal closed - upswing for Großbeeren?
  7. DUSS Terminal Großbeeren , accessed on April 9, 2020
  8. Berliner Stellwerke 1 , Along the tracks, accessed on April 9, 2020
  9. Orientation study, sub-project: Berlin, Heidestrasse - Europacity - , Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing: C&E Consulting und Engineering GmbH, 2010, accessed on April 9, 2019
  10. Former Transport and Construction Museum Berlin , accessed on April 9, 2020
  11. Hamburg and Lehrter Güterbahnhof is being expanded , MoabitOnline from November 2, 2014 (updated May 20, 2016), accessed on April 9, 2020