Bernardin Buchinger

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Bernardin Buchinger (born January 22, 1606 in Kientzheim , Alsace ; † January 5, 1673 in Löwenburg JU ) was an Alsatian Cistercian and abbot of the Maulbronn, Pairis and Lützel monasteries.


Buchinger, born in Kientzheim, Alsace, graduated from the School of the Pairis monastery and the Jesuit college in Ensisheim. In 1623 he joined Lützel Abbey , where he studied philosophy and theology and was ordained a priest in 1630. after he was Abtsekretär, archivist and Great waiter ( cellarer ). When the monastery community dispersed in the turmoil of the Thirty Years' War in 1632, he too left Lützel. In 1642 he was appointed abbot of the briefly restored Maulbronn Monastery , which fell to the Duke of Württemberg in 1648 as a result of the Peace of Westphalia and was secularized again. Elected abbot of Lützel Abbey, which was devastated in the war, in 1654, Buchinger managed the material and personnel reconstruction there. In 1657 the first twelve monks returned to Lützel. In the same year he was appointed Councilor of Parliament (Council of Churches) in the Conseil souverain des Alsace. He left a diary and several historical writings.


  • Epitome fastorum Lucellensium. Pruntrut, 1667


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