Bernhard Bonz

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Bernhard Bonz (born November 15, 1932 in Stuttgart ) is a German educator .

life and work

Bonz was born in Stuttgart in 1932 and completed an apprenticeship as a machine fitter after graduating from high school . After various skilled labor activities, he began studying mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart in 1953 . In 1956 he graduated from the Vocational Education Institute as a qualified trade teacher. In parallel to his legal clerkship and 10 years teaching activity in the school service, he studied education , psychology and politics and received his doctorate1966 with the dissertation topic "Psychodiagnostic investigation of technical-constructive talent". In 1968 he became a professor for didactics and methodology at the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart. Following the closure of the professional teacher training college, he built the Institute for Vocational Education and Training and the degree program in 1987 Business Education of the University of Hohenheim on. He headed the institute until 1995 and was also on the board of the Vocational and Business Education Section. From 1997 to 2001 Bonz was visiting professor at Kaunas University in Lithuania.

His textbooks, which were published by Holland + Josenhans Verlag from 1970, have long been an integral part of the training of vocational students, and over half a million of these textbooks have been sold. The anthology “ Didactics of Vocational Education”, published in 1976, formed the prelude to overview volumes that are constantly being updated. Together with Heinrich Schanz , Bonz publishes the series “Berufsbildung Konkret”, ten volumes of which have been published. "Didactics and methodology of vocational training" was reissued in 2009 by Schneider Verlag. Bonz 'work comprises a total of around 150 publications and numerous editorships in the field of business education and didactics. He has been retired since 2011.

Publications (selection)

  • Vocational education in transition. Discourses on the system of vocational training and professionalization. Schneider, 2013 (with Friedhelm Schütte )
  • I, we. Textbook and workbook . Craft & Technology, 2010
  • Methods of vocational training . Franz Steiner, 2009
  • Methodology. Learning arrangements in vocational training . Schneider, 2009
  • Didactics of vocational education . Schneider, 2001 (Ed. With Heinrich Schanz)
  • Subject didactics of vocational learning . Franz Steiner, 1998 (Ed. With Bernd Ott )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Review