Bernhard Breunig

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Abbot Bernhard Breunig, oil painting by Rosalie Treu , based on the original by Conrad Geiger

Bernhard Breunig (* 1724 in Volkach ; † 1797 in Obertheres ) was the penultimate abbot of the Benedictine monastery in Obertheres in Lower Franconia from 1766 to 1797 .


Very little is known about the abbot's life. What is certain is that he was born in the Würzburg district of Volkach in 1724 . Related to him was the monk Georg Breunig, who prepared the library catalog in the Neustadt am Main monastery . Nothing is known about his youth and education either, he probably entered the Benedictine monastery Theres at an early age.

After the death of Abbot Gregor II Haiger on February 20, 1766, the convent of Theres was asked to elect a new abbot. On April 7, 1766, Bernhard Breunig emerged as Abbot Bernhard I from this election. He led the abbey to one final bloom. For the monastery library, the abbot had elaborate liturgical books produced using so-called template alphabets. In 1783 he called the painter Conrad Geiger to the abbey. Breunig died in 1797.


  • Gerhard Egert, Oskar Kern: Eugen Schön. Pastor of Volkach. Contributions to the personnel history of a small Franconian town in the 19th century . Volkach 1983.
  • Guntram Freiherr von Gise: The abbots of the former Theres monastery (= home sheet of the state education authority Hassfurt No. 3/1968) . Hassfurt 1968.
  • Gabriel Vogt: Castle and Village. Monastery and castle. Theres am Main. A contribution to the history of the village and the former Benedictine abbey of St. Vitus zu Theres am Main . Münsterschwarzach 1979.

Web links

Commons : Bernhard Breunig  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Egert, Gerhard (among others): Contributions to the personnel history of a small Franconian town . P. 42
  2. ^ Gise, Guntram Freiherr von: The Abbots of the former Theres Monastery , p. 8