Bernhard Endres

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Johann Bernhard Endress (born November 12, 1788 in Elpersdorf near Ansbach , † November 5, 1850 in Munich ) was a Bavarian lawyer and local politician.


Bernhard Endres studied law at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen . In 1806 he became a member of the Onoldia Corps . After completing his studies, he worked at the Leutershausen Regional Court. In 1827 he was elected mayor of Ansbach . During his tenure, the city developed both economically and administratively. When he had to give up the mayor's office in 1842 because of an eye problem, Ansbach was free of debt.

The city of Ansbach made him an honorary citizen in 1843. Endres bequeathed his fortune to the city. The non-profit Bernhard Endres Foundation still exists in Ansbach today.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 42 , 129