Bernhard Hauff junior

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Bernhard Hauff junior (born June 2, 1912 ; † February 13, 1990 ) was a German paleontologist and museum director.

Hauff was the son of the taxidermist Holzmadener Fossilien Bernhard Hauff and studied geology in Tübingen, Kiel and Munich from 1931 after an internship in his father's workshop. In 1938 he received his doctorate in Tübingen ( About Acidorhynchus from the Posidonia schist from Holzmaden, a representative of the Saurichthyidae ). With his father he opened a paleontological museum in Holzmaden, from which the current main building of the Urweltmuseum Hauff , of which he was director, was built in 1967 . After his death, his son Rolf Bernhard Hauff took over the management.

In 1953 he published a popular science book on the fossils of the Posidonia slate from Holzmaden, which is famous above all for its ichthyosaur fossils.

On April 21, 1979 he was awarded the Baden-Württemberg Medal of Merit . In 1985 he received the title of professor from the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg.

In 1953 he first described the ray- finned ohmdenia from the lower Jura.


  • Das Holzmadenbuch , Öhringen: Rau 1953, 2nd edition 1960

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References and comments

  1. ↑ Vital dates after Kalliope
  2. Published in Paläontologische Zeitschrift, Volume 20, 1938, pp. 215–248
  3. B. Hauff: Ohmdenia multidentata nov. gen. et nov. sp. A new large fish find from the Posidonia slate of the Lias of Ohmden / Holzmaden in Württemburg. New Yearbook for Geology and Paleontology, A. 97, 1953, pp. 39–50