Bernhard Swoboda

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Bernhard Swoboda (born January 20, 1965 in Bytom , Poland) is a German university professor . He holds the chair for trade and marketing in business administration at the University of Trier .

Life and academic career

After graduating from high school in 1985 in Lünen / Westphalia, he studied business administration at the Universities of Giessen and Essen. Swoboda was a research assistant at the University of Essen from 1990 to 1996 . He received his doctorate from the Faculty of Law and Economics at Saarland University on the subject of interactive media at the point of sale. A behavioral analysis of the effects of multimedia systems. From April 1996 he worked as a research assistant at the chair for business administration and at the same time as a research assistant at the Institute for Trade and International Marketing at Saarland University and as a consultant at the European Institute at Saarland University . In December 2000 Swoboda completed his habilitation and received the Venia Legendi for general business administration. The topic of his habilitation was Dynamic Processes of Internationalization. Management theoretical and empirical perspectives of entrepreneurial change . In 2001, Swoboda accepted an offer at the University of Trier.

Individual evidence

  1. Brief biography of Prof. Bernhard Swoboda ( Memento from September 18, 2012 in the web archive )

Web links