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Beszélő ("Speaker") is the title of a liberal political and cultural magazine in Hungary , which appears monthly. The first edition appeared as samizdat in 1981 when the state of emergency was just declared in Poland .


The Beszélő was not the first samizdat. Illegal censorship-free magazines have been published since 1976. What was new, however, was that the names and addresses of the editors were also published, and that the magazine appeared regularly (initially quarterly) and was reproduced in relatively large numbers using the stencil technique . At the same time, the magazine Kisúgó came out, but it did not last long.

There was no editor-in-chief. The authors met weekly to discuss the content. The political analysis came mainly from the philosopher János Kis , but the guidelines were decided jointly.

Between 1981 and 1986 the sheet was printed by István Orosz in a farmhouse in Dunabogdány . The distribution center was in Endre Miklóssy's apartment in Budapest. In the mid-1980s, the Beszélő was copied and distributed by the Gábor Demszky district .

The intellectuals who worked on the magazine played an important role during the regime change. Mention should be made of János Kis, Ferenc Kőszeg , György Petri , Bálint Nagy , Miklós Haraszti , János Eörsi , Bálint Magyar , Ottilia Solt , Gábor Havas and Gábor Iványi (from whom the title comes from).

There were several important taboo subjects in the Hungarian press under the communist regime. B. the Hungarian people's uprising , Hungarians living across borders, the situation of religious and ethnic minorities and the issue of poverty. So the editors decided that these issues would be addressed in every issue.

They were continuously bugged, tracked and observed and there were often house searches . There were also several lawsuits, but only violations of the press regulations or rule violations could be punished. Fines were paid and interrogations were carried out, concealing the fact that these were being held by state security organs.

Original quote from Ferenc Kőszeg

" Szövényi György, aki engem többször kihallgatott - mostanában a televízióban szokott szerepelni mint terrorelhárítási szakértő - többször is elmondta:" Minket nem érdekel, with írnak am. ", With írnak lakásomban, és először vittek be a Tolnai Lajos utcába kihallgatásra, biztos voltam benne, hogy a leghamarabb két év múlva szabadulok. Én voltam a legjobban meglepve, amikor reggel ötkor kiengedtek. De ebből megértettem, hogy el akarják kerülni a látványos politikai pereket, és nem akarják börtönbüntetésekkel lerombolni a gulyásszocializmushoz kapcsolódó nyugati illúziókat. "

Free translation of the quote:

»György Szövényi, who interrogated me several times - today he appears as an expert in the fight against terrorism on television - repeatedly proclaimed:“ We are not interested in what you write, but whether you have our permission. ”Of course, as in the March 1983, house searches were carried out in my apartment for the first time, and when they took me to Lajos-Tolnai-Strasse ( note: the Investigation Department of the Budapest Police is located there ) for the first time for an interrogation, I was sure that I would go after two years will be released. I was most surprised when they released me at five in the morning. This made it clear to me that they wanted to avoid spectacular political trials and did not want to destroy the western illusions associated with goulash communism with prison sentences. "

The 20th edition, in which the Társadalmi szerződés (" Articles of Association") appeared, reached a print run of 2000 copies due to the great interest.


Sometimes the printed comments appeared under pseudonyms , although the editors themselves often did not know who was hiding behind some names. Some of the aliases used were:

pseudonym real name
Pál Ada Iván Pető
Dénes Csonka Tamás Bauer
Elek Fényes János M. Rainer
Eszter Kovács Erzsébet Szalai
Dávid Rikárdó Lajos Bokros

After the system change

After the fall of the communist system, the magazine was published legally. It was published weekly between 1989 and 1996, then only once or twice a month. The first legal editor-in-chief was Ferenc Kőszeg. Ilona Kiss held this position from 1995 to 2003 and András Mink since then.

Individual evidence

  1. Barát József, Kőszeg Ferenc és Vince Mátyás a rendszerváltás médiájáról .

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