Elizabeth Stephens

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Elizabeth Stephens (born November 18, 1960 in Montgomery , West Virginia ) is an American filmmaker , performer and university lecturer .

life and work

Stephens studied to Bachelor at Tufts University and put the Masters in 1992 at the Rutgers University from. There she studied with Martha Rosler and Geoffrey Hendricks . The Ph.D. She graduated from the University of California, Davis with a degree in Performance Studies in 2015 . She has been a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz since 2010 and was director of the arts department for several years. Since 2002, Elizabeth Stephens has been married to former porn actress and performer Annie Sprinkle . Together they wrote the Ecosexual Manifesto . A joint project of the two artists is the Love Art Laboratory . Sprinkle and Stephens are representatives of ecofeminism and feminist art . Among other things, you are committed to the rights of sex workers around the world .

“Based on Linda Montano's work, Sprinkle and Stephens initiated a seven-year project of public wedding rituals in 2005. Since then they have married the earth as well as the Appalachians, the sea in Venice, the coal in Spain, the Kallavesi lake in Finland, the moon, the sun ... These weddings, which were attended by numerous people, show them both as true lovers of the earth - as 'aquaphiles, terraphiles, pyrophiles, aerophiles' - and leave medical-legal categories of sexuality (such as homosexuality / heterosexuality) behind. "

Her work has been shown internationally. Among other things, they were participants in the 53rd Biennale di Venezia and documenta 14 .

Filmography (selection)

  • 2017: Water Makes Us Wet: An Ecosexual Adventure
  • 2013: Goodbye Gauley Mountain: An Ecosexual Love Story
  • 2011: Purple Wedding to the Moon, White Wedding to the Snow
  • 2010: Purple Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains
  • 2009: Blue Wedding to the Sky / Sea Video
  • 2008: Green Wedding Four to the Earth
  • 2007: Big Nudes Descending a Staircase
  • 2007: Etant Donnees
  • 2007: Yellow Wedding Three
  • 2006: Exposed; Experiments in Love, Sex, Death and Art
  • 2006: Orange Wedding Two
  • 2006: Red Wedding One
  • 2005: Kiss
  • 2004: Lüba; The Mother Teresa of Art
  • 1992: Do You Mind?
  • 1989: Interviews with Oaxacan Women
  • 1989: Women Eating

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elizabeth Stephens biography , accessed July 23, 2019
  2. ecosex-manifesto , accessed on July 23, 2019
  3. Cuddling for a Better World , accessed July 23, 2019
  4. documenta 14, daybook Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens , accessed on July 23, 2019