Behaving Insufficiently (1933)

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German title Behave insufficiently
Original title Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 1933
length 44 minutes
Director Jean Vigo
script Jean Vigo
production Jean Vigo
music Maurice Jaubert
camera Boris Kaufman

Behaving unsatisfactory (Zéro de conduite) is the first slightly longer black and white film by Jean Vigo from 1933 with Jean Dasté , at 44 minutes , which was initially banned by the censors and was not released until 1946.

It describes the revolt of boarding school students against boredom and paternalism. To achieve a surreal effect, u. a. Slow motion used.


"A remarkable debut film by Jean Vigo, who has processed his own experiences as a boarding school student in an alienated, sometimes surrealistic form in a targeted attack against an authoritarian society."


Individual evidence

  1. plot ( memento of December 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Criticism on

Web links