District map series

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In connection with the development of the extensive district map series , a district map series for the general education schools of the GDR at that time was also drawn up between 1985 and 1989 . The hand maps and single-sheet wall maps were intended for local history lessons in grade 4 and for geography lessons in middle and high school . As a template for the design were u. a. the media pairs of the district map plant as well as successful relevant development work in the Potsdam district.

For the schools in the Potsdam district , a pair of student hand cards and a one-sheet wall map of the region of the home district 1968/69 were developed on behalf of the Department of Public Education of the District Council and in collaboration between the Institute for Geography of the Potsdam University of Education and the VEB Kartographischer Dienst Potsdam . (Concept: E. Breetz. Editor: W. Krakau).

A total of 15 media pairs (14 GDR districts and East Berlin ) then appeared later in the VEB Hermann Haack Gotha - roughly analogous to the titles of the district map series . The general-geographic ( "physical") main card the front of the cards in hand moving in the scales 1: 300,000 (. Eg Leipzig district ) to 1: 500,000 (. Eg District Potsdam). Only East Berlin appeared on a scale of 1: 100,000; In contrast to the circuit cards work the same main card received sheet section , a shading . The four monochrome thematic subsidiary maps on the reverse side (traffic, culture, industry, agriculture), processed as island maps - as with the district map series - were half the scale of the general geographic main map on the front. East Berlin was depicted in the thematic maps as a complete territory, while in the district maps only the respective city district was shown in outline and processed thematically.

The scales of the single-sheet wall maps (approx. 1 m² in size; 1 wall map section / 1 sheet) as enlargements of the general geographic main map of the respective hand map sheet were between 1: 100,000 and 1: 250,000.

These individual district maps also turned out to be cheaper in school practice than the previous district group maps in the atlases and large-format wall maps. They were manageable and made it easier for the students to orientate themselves spatially and to create ideas. The old cards did not represent - despite different editions and new developments in the 1960s and 1970s - no very suitable “didactic pairs”; they were not sufficiently coordinated in terms of content and graphics.

With the student outline maps of the same name , the district hand and wall maps (as well as the "media trio" in the district map series) formed a didactically coordinated "media package".

See also

Literature and Sources

  • E. Breetz: Methodological notes on working with geographic maps in the 4th school year with special consideration of the new cartographic teaching materials. In: The Potsdam district - handouts for teachers. Potsdam 1968, pp. 13-22.
  • E. Breetz: Pedagogical-technical task for school wall maps and student hand cards of the home district . Potsdam / Berlin 1985. (PTA / conception; unpublished).
  • W. Görtler: Cartographic teaching materials from Gotha for local studies. In: Cartographic Writings. Volume 8. Bonn 2003, pp. 118-126.