Student hand card

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The student hand map is a single sheet of maps developed for students, dealing with general geographic or special topics, which can be used as a spatial orientation aid and source of information in lessons, in housework, but also on courses and excursions .

The format should not exceed 50 for practical reasons cm in length and width. The pupil's hand cards can be cartographically printed on one or both sides; in some cases the back is also used for text. They can be designed two-dimensionally or three-dimensionally, for example as a relief map or anaglyph map .

In the second, revised series of district maps developed in the GDR from 1976 to 1988 , the hand maps were printed on both sides (front: general-geographic main map; back: 4 thematic subsidiary maps). From the main map, which was mainly available on a student-friendly scale of 1: 100,000, the corresponding single-sheet wall map was obtained by enlarging it (1 section; covered approx. 1 ). This hand and wall map series (PTA and specialist advice: E. Breetz), each consisting of 178 titles, was intended for local history and geography lessons.

Analogous to this, the district map series with 15 titles each for the two subjects was developed in the period 1984–1989 - also completely nationwide. The district map series was based on the pair of student hand cards and the EWK from the "District Potsdam", which were developed in 1968/69 in close cooperation between PH Potsdam and KD Potsdam (SHK: "District Potsdam - Surface Design" and "District Potsdam - Economy"; EWK: " Bez. P. - Obflg. ").

For history lessons in the GDR, there were numerous handcard titles instead of a history atlas .

After the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989/90), several school book publishers published general-geographical student maps, especially for the new federal states.

The student hand cards also include the student outline cards in print form.


  • Breetz, Egon: Development of student handicrafts for local history and geography lessons in the general school of the former GDR. In: HP Brogiato u. HM. Cloß (Hrsg.): Geography and their didactics - Festschrift for Walter Sperling, Part 2, Trier 1992, pp. 317-325 (= materials for didactics of geography, no. 16).
  • Fiala, Hans-Joachim: The student hand card for history lessons. In: Geschichtsunterricht und Staatsbürgerkunde, H. 8/1972, pp. 708–712.
  • Görtler, Wilfried: Cartographic teaching materials from Gotha for local studies. In: Kartogr. Schr., Vol. 8, Bonn 2003, pp. 118-126.
  • Herzig, Reinhard: On the use of official topographic maps in geography lessons. In: Zt. Fd Erdkundeunterr., H. 1/1992, pp. 6-10.

See also