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Binuclearia tatrana

Binuclearia tatrana

without rank: Chloroplastida
without rank: Chlorophyta
without rank: Chlorophyceae
Order : Volvocales
Family : Gloeotilaceae
Genre : Binuclearia
Scientific name

Binuclearia is a freshwater genus from the green algae group of the Chlorophyceae .


The genus forms unbranched threads from a row of cells. The thread diameter is 4 to 13 micrometers. The oval cells are often arranged in pairs and separated from one another by means of H-shaped, very thick cell walls. They are separated from the neighboring cells by gelatinous cell wall material.

The cells have a nucleus and a plate-shaped, wall-like chloroplast that contains pyrenoids . The growth of the threads takes place through cell division within the thread. During cell division, a new H-shaped wall piece is created in the middle of the cell.

The asexual reproduction is carried out by forming a fixed cell (Akinet) per cell or a four geißeligen zoospore. These cells are released when the two halves of the cell wall move apart. The sexual reproduction of the genus is unknown.


The representatives of the genus occur in bog pools and gullies of Sphagnum moors.

supporting documents

  • Karl-Heinz Linne von Berg, Michael Melkonian u. a .: The Kosmos algae guide. The most important freshwater algae under the microscope. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-440-09719-6 , p. 354.

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