
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Birkendorf is the name of the following places:

in Germany

in Poland

  • Brzeżany (formerly Birkendorf in the district of Guhrau, Lower Silesia ), a village in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship; see Góra
  • Brzozówka (formerly Birkendorf in the Stuhm district, Danzig-West Prussia ), a village in the Pomeranian Voivodeship; see Stary Targ
  • Skarbona (formerly Birkendorf in the district of Crossen (Oder), Brandenburg ), a village in the Lebus Voivodeship; see: Maszewo (Powiat Krośnieński)
  • Wiłkajcie (formerly Birkendorf in the Goldap district, East Prussia ), a village in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship; see Gołdap
  • Wyskoć (formerly Birkendorf in the district of Kosten, Wartheland ), a village in the Greater Poland Voivodeship; see Kościan

in Slovenia

  • Podbrezje (formerly Birkendorf in the Oberkrain in the Krainburg district, Kronland Krain ), a village in the Gorenjska statistična regija; see Naklo