Black Mountain College

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Black Mountain College main building

The Black Mountain College was founded in 1933 near Asheville , North Carolina and existed until 1957. It was in the late 1940s the leading institution for interdisciplinary education mainly (but not exclusively) artistic disciplines.


At Black Mountain College , among others, many artists from the accumulated Bauhaus after emigrating from Germany. The following subjects were taught:

  • Visual arts
  • theatre
  • literature
  • music
  • architecture
  • history
  • physics
  • Economy

Eminent lecturers

Study and teaching; Buckminster Fuller (left) and Josef Albers (right), 1948

Important guest lecturers

Important alumni

Web links

Commons : Black Mountain College  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Maria Becker: Where should art arise, if not in nature? Black Mountain College was one of the most momentous schools of 20th century art. Students should learn more than just art. NZZ, May 9, 2018, accessed on May 12, 2018 .
  2. About MC Richards
  3. ArtTALKS: Basil King
  4. ^ Website Susan Weil

Coordinates: 35 ° 37'53 "  N , 82 ° 21'49"  W.