Blackspot Anticorporation

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The Blackspot Anticorporation is a project of the Canadian capitalism-critical newspaper Adbusters , best known in Germany for the Kauf-nix-Tag . As part of the Adbusters Media Foundation, it is not for profit. It is an experiment to determine to what extent one can take market shares from large companies in an "anti-capitalist manner".


After Adbusters initially only asked to distance themselves from brands by painting over trademarks on their clothing with black dots (= "black spots"), Kalle Lasn , the head of Adbusters, wanted the big brand groups to actually lose sales in the long term. That is why the Blackspot Anticorporation was founded. Her first products are two different types of shoes that are clearly directed against Nike , whereas Lasn has an obvious personal dislike for them.

Blackspot sneakers

The classic Blackspot Sneaker V1 is based on the Converse All Stars. In addition to a slightly different design, it stands out from the All Star primarily through the absolute absence of logos and ethical production. The shoe is made from vegan materials, primarily organic hemp , and is produced by unionized workers in a Portuguese factory. The reason for the development was the takeover of Converse by Nike in 2001 and the associated relocation of conversion production to low-wage countries.

The Blackspot Unswoosher (V2) develops the concept of the V1 further and combines it with a more individual look. Recycled car tires are used for the sole. Here, too, a clear position is taken against Nike: The name "Unswoosher" refers to the Nikelogo, the Swoosh.

Both shoes are sold through an independent network of small shops specializing in left-wing culture or vegan products. Buyers of the shoes will have access to special internet forums where they can discuss and vote on the future of the Blackspot movement. This shows the attempt to establish a kind of grass-root capitalism.

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