Blood bride

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Blood Bride is a fantasy novel by the author Lynn Raven . The book was published on October 31, 2011 by cbt / cbj Verlag . The book is about Lucinda Moreira, who was promised as a blood bride to the patron of the de Alvaro family, Joaquín de Alvaro, as a child. Lucinda does not agree with this, however, because she is not ready to live as a blood bride and so tries to escape her fate as a blood bride.


Lucinda Moreira lives on the run. She has been fleeing the powerful de Alvaro family for as long as she can remember , because as a child she was promised to be the bride of blood to Joaquín de Alvaro, the patron of the family. She works under the name Mia at Forty-two , a club in Boston . There she meets Cris and falls in love with him. On the evening of her last day at work at Forty-two , she meets with Cris and is kidnapped. It quickly becomes clear that the kidnappers want to take them to Joaquín de Alvaro. She succeeds in ramming her knife into the leg of one of the kidnappers, Rafael, which does not prevent the kidnapping, but only earns her the nickname tigresa . During the kidnapping, Lucinda discovers that Cris is Joaquín's brother. Cris does not support the kidnapping, but does not prevent it either. When they arrive at Santa Reyada, Joaquín is already waiting for the group. Its transformation into a nosferatu is already well advanced. In the near future, Joaquín tries slowly to win Lucinda's trust, but does not succeed. During a visit from another witcher, Lucinda manages to hide in his limousine and thus leave the property. However, when the other sorcerer's house is reached, Lucinda is discovered and is said to be abused as a blood bride by another sorcerer. However, since she does not allow him to drink from herself, she is injured. However, Joaquín manages to save her and brings the utterly distraught Lucinda back to Santa Reyada, where they meet the doctor Fernan, who treats them. Shortly afterwards, the consortium pays Joaquín a visit, and it becomes clear how far Joaquín has already reached with his transformation into Nosferatu. He is given two weeks before Lucinda is his blood bride. Otherwise he is forced to be executed. Meanwhile, while taking a walk with Cris, Lucinda learns that she lived on Santa Reyada as a child. When she then wants to confront Joaquín, he is so upset after his conversation that he scares her again so much that she doesn't ask any more. Later that evening, she learns from Cris that Joaquín is venting out at cage fights and persuades Cris to go there for fear that Joaquín might harm someone. As soon as Joaquín notices that the two are there, he breaks off his fight and tries to get Lucinda and Cris away. On the way back, Lucinda doesn't buckle up for fear. When another car tries to push Joaquín's car off the road, the car overturns and Lucinda is seriously injured. Fernan treats Lucinda again. Back on Santa Reyada, Lucinda is alone again and looks around the house. She finds Joaquín's studio and finds drawings of herself made by Joaquín. Shortly afterwards, Joaquín finds her in his studio and Lucinda confronts him about how he has been able to follow her over the past few years. He then shows her that he can observe others with the help of reflective surfaces. Surprisingly, he offers to keep her on Santa Reyada for another ten days and teach her something about magic. Lucinda agrees. On Lucinda's birthday, a few days later, Joaquín wants to show her old Santa Reyada. However, the trip is thwarted by an important phone call from the Los Angeles Police Department . Cris uses this as an opportunity to go shopping in Los Angeles with Lucinda . Lucinda finds the trip rather uncomfortable, but she goes along anyway. In the evening Cris takes her to San Isandro, the village that is under the protection of the de Alvaros, where he has planned a huge birthday party for Lucinda. However, all of this is a bit too much for her, and she is rather forced through the evening. This is more or less blown up by Joaquín when he arrives angry and describes Lucinda and Cris as heartless. Lucinda is completely taken by surprise and shortly afterwards learns that Miguel, one of the men who work on Santa Reyada and belong to San Isandro, was murdered together with his wife in one of Joaquín's cars. Lucinda blames Cris for not telling her earlier because he had the opportunity. The two move away from each other more and more and Cris leaves the party angry. The next morning Lucinda finally wants to catch up on the excursion that she wanted to take with Joaquín. The two are on the road until evening and slowly get closer and closer. However, when they want to go back home, Joaquín notices that the car has been sabotaged . He then takes Lucinda to the abandoned church of the village and instructs her to stay in a spell for the entire night and not to leave him, no matter what he says. During the night, more Nosferatu appear and the Kapf comes, but Lucinda does not really notice because she is in the church. The next morning, Joaquín is injured and Lucinda gets lost in the desert while trying to get help. Later the two are found by Rafael and Joaquín's people. After they both recover, one of the consortium shows up on Santa Reyada. When Lucinda shows up, he recognizes her from before and speaks to her again. When Lucinda later asks Joaquín to give her the memories back, he does so, and Lucinda remembers everything that she experienced on Santa Reyada. A few days later the day came when Lucinda left Santa Reyada. She is unhappy about it. However, Joaquín does not take her to the airport , but into a parking garage and drugged her there. When she wakes up, she is in a small apartment in San Francisco . There is a tattoo on her ankle and in the living room she finds papers made out in her new name and a letter from Joaquín telling her to start a new life. When she tries to reach Joaquín, it turns out that Joaquín has disappeared. Later she gets a call from Cris that there is a ransom note and that Lucinda should hand over the money. Lucinda then flies back to Los Angeles and drives with Cris to the delivery. Once there, she notices that Cris is a traitor and she goes to the brothers' grandfather, Jesús de Alvaro, who, together with others, surrenders Nosferatu. In the basement of the house she meets Joaquín again, who is being held there by his grandfather. Then Lucinda finds out about the whole plan. Jesús de Alvaro wants to take Joaquín's power and transfer it to himself, but he has to drink Lucinda's blood, which he refuses. The two are left alone in the basement and they manage to escape because Cris decides to help them. The house where Cris and the others were collapses behind them. Joaquín and Lucinda are both seriously injured. Nevertheless, Joaquín wants to call a meeting with his consortium immediately to find his grandfather. Back on Santa Reyada, Rafael cannot reach Joaquín again. Through other men of Joaquín, they gradually learn that the latter is being forced to be executed against his will. Together they fly to the church, where the execution is to take place, and with some difficulties they get inside. The execution is already under way, but Lucinda finally manages to give Joaquín some of her blood to drink. This seals that Joaquín will not finally become Nosferatu. Together they return to Santa Reyada, and Lucinda decides to stay there as Joaquín de Alvaro's blood bride, as she finally realizes that this is a different relationship than she always thought.

Main features

There are several guiding forces in history. On one side is the Hermandat, a brotherhood of sorcerers. It is an offshoot of the l'Ordre des Sorciers. The Hermandad were originally a few sorcerers who made a pact to protect those they loved. This curse makes every witcher of Hermandad a nosferatu, should he not find a blood bride. Since the Nosferatu are unpredictable and dangerous, the l'Ordre des Sorciers began to hunt down those who are unable to find a blood bride and thus inevitably become Nosferatu. At the same time, it is expected that the Hermandad independently execute each Nosferatu. The Hermandad and the l'Ordre des Sorciers are neither enemies nor friends, but the Ordre functions like a board of directors. The Hermandad resides in the USA while the Ordre remains in Europe. In the Hermandad, the patrons each have their consortium. These are advisors who report directly to the patron, but can also turn against him and are responsible for getting him to execute as soon as they notice that he is becoming a nosferatu and has no covenant with a blood bride. The job of a blood bride is to prevent the sorcerer from becoming a nosferatu. He has to drink her blood for this, which she has to allow him to do. Blood brides mostly come from families that have produced several blood brides. For example, Lucinda comes from the line of the Moreira Blood Brides. At the same time, the blood bride must match the witcher. This is sometimes evident during childhood, as with Lucinda and Joaquín. When the witcher drinks the blood of his Blood Bride for the first time, a bond is made between the two.


Lucinda Moreira

Lucinda Moreira is the last blood bride of the Moreira family. She is seventeen years old and lives alone on the run. She works under the name Mia at Forty-two , a club in Boston . There she meets Crís and only falls in love with him. Her only relative is Aunt María, who is not her biological aunt. However, this is murdered by a Nosferatu and Lucinda is treated in a clinic. Aunt María is to blame for Lucinda's ideas about life as a blood bride. After her stay in the clinic , she lives on the run until she is kidnapped by Rafael and lives on Santa Reyada again. Later, on Santa Reyada, she learns from Joaquín that she lived on Santa Reyada as a child and that she had a very close relationship with Joaquín at the time. When Lucinda was four years old, her mother took her to Santa Reyada. For her protection, Joaquín erased these memories from her mind during her stay at the clinic. She later learns that Joaquín knew where she was all along and made sure she was safe. After that, Lucinda slowly changes her mind about Joaquín. Little by little she realizes that she is falling in love with him. Ultimately, she decides to live as a blood bride, which looks very different from what her aunt always described to her and is happy with it.

Joaquín de Alvaro

Joaquín de Alvaro is the powerful patron of the de Alvaro family. He is one of the most powerful sorcerers of the Hermandad. His area of ​​influence in history includes San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and the areas around them. Lucinda was given to the de Alvaro family as the blood bride at an early age, which made it clear that she would one day be Joaquín de Alvaro's blood bride. Joaquín is not far from becoming Nosferatu and having to pass his own death sentence. He owns Santa Reyada and has a special connection to the country estate. In an experiment with a spell, Joaquín is responsible for the loss of the magical powers of his younger brother, Cris. This always stands between the two. He didn't have a particularly good relationship with his father, but a very good one with his mother, who died early.


Lynn Raven lives in New England , but now and again she lives in Germany. She writes fantasy novels and mostly moves within high fantasy and dark fantasy . She is an author at cbt / cbj publishing house.


"Raven manages to tell a rapid story that grabs the reader from the first page." (Die Rheinpfalz December 7, 2011)

"The mixture of fantasy and reality is right in Blutbraut: Truly a masterpiece!" (Allgemeine Zeitung June 29, 2012)


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