Bohemian Grove

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Bohemian Grove is an area approximately 11 square kilometers east of Monte Rio in the US state of California . Since 1899, the exclusively male members of the “ Bohemian Club ”, who are primarily recruited from the US elite from politics, business, art and the media, have met there for a 15-day retreat with all kinds of events. The club becomes exclusive by the waiting time after application for membership, which should be 15 to 20 years as a rule, whereby urgent applications with a waiting time of only three years are possible in exceptional cases. In any case, at least two active members must recommend the candidate ( co-optation ). An enrollment fee of $ 25,000 and additional annual payments are due upon success.

In addition to Ernest O. Lawrence and various high-ranking military officials, the President of Harvard University and representatives from Standard Oil and General Electric also took part. Regular visitors to the Bohemian Grove event included or include Helmut Schmidt , Henry Kissinger , Alan Greenspan , Richard Nixon , George Bush Senior , George Bush Junior and Arnold Schwarzenegger . The events take place in July and last from one Saturday to the Saturday after next.

The meetings are the subject of various conspiracy theories , according to which the members, without being democratically legitimized to do so, would secretly control the fortunes of the United States, if not the world (as is similarly said of the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission ), or pagan or satanic rituals up to and including the sacrifice of children would be performed there . After paleoconservative radio host Alex Jones reported extensively on the practices allegedly taking place in the Bohemian Grove, a heavily armed American invaded the premises in January 2002 to end the ritual violence he suspected there. The police were able to arrest him, no one was harmed.

Web links

Commons : Bohemian Grove  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Alex Shoumatoff : A Guide to the Bohemian Grove. Vanity Fair online, April 1, 2009 (accessed December 6, 2017).
  2. Marlon Kuzmick: Council on Foreign Relations . In: Peter Knight (Ed.): Conspiracy Theories in American History. To Encyclopedia . ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, Denver and London 2003, Vol. 1, p. 210; Michael Barkun : A Culture of Conspiracy. Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America . University of California Press, Berkeley 2013, p. 1.

Coordinates: 38 ° 27 '43.4 "  N , 122 ° 59' 31.9"  W.