Bole (unit)

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Bole , also called boll , was a measure with different meanings. In England the bole was a measure of volume and grain .

The Scottish measure of volume was mainly referred to as boll.

In Schleswig , where the measure could also be divided into full, half, quarter and eighth notes, and Silesia it was a field measure.

In Denmark , land possessions were referred to as Bole .

  • 1 Bole = 36 tons (Danish) (Tønde land)


  • R. Klimpert: Lexicon of coins, measures, weights, counting methods and time sizes. Verlag C. Regenhardt, Berlin 1896, p. 34.
  • Alexander Lachmann: Commercial geography: For use for the commercial and commercial sector. Verlag Ernst Schäfer, Leipzig 1863, p. 151.
  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, the government papers, the bills of exchange and banking and the customs of all countries and trading venues. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 548.