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The Boraner (Latin Borani or Greek Βορανοί [ Boranoi ]) were a tribe of unknown origin that appeared around the middle of the 3rd century AD.

The Borans are mentioned in ancient sources as a result of the events of the imperial crisis of the 3rd century and seem to have settled on the north coast of the Black Sea . They were probably not Germanic , but a Sarmatian tribe. They are mentioned for the first time in the 50s of the 3rd century when they made raids with ships on the southern coast of the Black Sea. The ships were provided by the Greek cities of the Bosporan Empire , which apparently felt compelled to cooperate due to the withdrawal of Roman troops and the oppression of the various surrounding tribes.

A first attack on the Roman Pityus 254/55 (the dating is disputed) still failed. In a second attack 256/57, the Borans had more success after an attack on Phasis initially failed on this move . The Goths , who also settled on the northern Black Sea coast, also took part in the second procession of the Borans . Even Trebizond could be captured and plundered by the Skythai (" Scythians "), as the attackers were summarized in the Greek sources based on classical ethnographic ideas. The Romans were apparently completely surprised by the sudden appearance of the attackers, who were primarily interested in booty. In the middle of the 60s of the 3rd century there was a new raid of "Scythian pirates" on the northern coast of Asia Minor , during which the city of Herakleia Pontike was conquered. The Borans were probably also involved in this move, but they are no longer mentioned in the sources. Her further history is unknown.
