Boris Vladimirovich striker

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Boris Stürmer (1907)

Boris Vladimirovich striker ( Russian Борис Владимирович Штюрмер * July 16 . Jul / July 28, 1848 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † 2 September 1917 in Petrograd ) was a Russian of German descent statesman and until November 10 jul. / November 23, 1916 greg. Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire.

Stürmer first worked in the Ministry of Justice from 1872, after which he worked as governor general of Tver (1892), Nizhny Novgorod (1894) and Yaroslavl (1896-1902). In 1904 he became a member of the State Council , his appointment as Minister of the Interior failed for the time being in 1904 or 1909.

The fact that Stürmer also took over the office of interior minister after his appointment as prime minister is less unusual than the fact that he also became foreign minister from July 1916 after Sasonov's dismissal. In the political system of tsarist Russia, the prime minister normally did not have any authority in foreign policy. Like the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister was appointed directly by the Tsar - although the Foreign Minister was a member of the Council of Ministers, he did not report to the Prime Minister. Striker was the only (first and last) Prime Minister of the Russian Empire who was also Foreign Minister at the same time. Despite Romania's entry into the First World War , which he forced , he acted haplessly.

Stürmer was sponsored by Empress Alexandra and Rasputin , on whose behalf Stürmer is said to have explored ways to end the war or even a separate peace with Germany, which ultimately became the pretext for his overthrow. The business of government was forward to Trepov from that office as foreign minister led first Deputy Foreign Minister Neratov on. Stürmer had been imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress since the February Revolution of 1917 , where he died before the high treason trial against him was over.

Web links

Commons : Category: Boris Stürmer  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Russia's Prime Minister resigned . In: Frankfurter Zeitung , November 25, 1916, accessed on December 29, 2017.
  2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation : Штюрмер, Борис Владимирович
predecessor Office successor

Ivan Logginowitsch Goremykin
Prime Minister of the Russian Empire
February 2, 1916 to November 10, 1916

Alexander Fyodorovich Trepov

Alexei Nikolayevich Chwostow
Russian Interior Minister
March 3, 1916 to July 7, 1916

Alexander Alexejewitsch Chwostow

Sergei Dmitrievich Sasonov
Russian Foreign Minister
July 7, 1916 to November 10, 1916

Nikolai Nikolayevich Pokrovsky