Bornu armor

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Bornu armor
Bornu armor.jpg
Weapon type: Protective weapon
Designations: Bornu armor
Use: armor
Region of origin /
Nigeria , ethnic groups from Borno , former Bornu Empire
Distribution: Nigeria
Lists on the subject

The Bornu Armor is a protective weapon in the form of a breastplate from the north-eastern Nigeria in Africa .


The Bornu armor (English: strip-iron cuirass ) is made of steel . It is constructed from steel strips of different widths, which are riveted to form the breastplate . The back stripes are made wider than those on the front. The right side of the body is open so that it can be attracted from this side. The shoulder straps are tied to the breastplate with leather straps, the inside of the armor is padded with leather and fabric .

The neckline is deeper on the front than on the back, where it is hardly present.

Compared to other armor, the entire armor is rather rough; the irregular riveting is particularly striking.


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Individual evidence

  1. George Cameron Stone, A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor. 1999, p. 69.
  2. Johanna Agthe, Waffen aus Zentral-Afrika , 1985, p. 255: Figure 324 shows an example of the Ful.