Boulder Burial from Reanacaheragh

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The Boulder Burial of Reanacaheragh ( Irish Ré na Cathrach ) is located south of Macroom , near Crookstown, in County Cork in Ireland . As Boulder Burial (also Boulder Tomb) (German about boulder grave ) is in the Irish archeology a Dolmen referred to, in which a solid endstone close to the ground to three or is more significantly smaller sidestones and so, similarly to the Dolmen from Fröböke type , a low, box-like cavity.

The Boulder Burial of Reanacaheragh is slightly elevated on a meadow. The massive boulder is almost spherically rounded, with a diameter of about 1.0 meters. The large stone with a nose-like protrusion in the southwest is surrounded on a diameter of about 2.0 meters by 10 small stones (no higher than 30 cm), which form the curb circle of the elevation. Smaller stones on which the boulder usually rests are not recognizable.

Nearby are the Knockane Wedge Tombs .

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Coordinates: 51 ° 48'45.1 "  N , 8 ° 59'25.8"  W.