Bourrit and Simmler

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The former École des arts industriels, Geneva 1880

Bourrit and Simmler was a Geneva architectural firm of historicism that existed from 1868 to 1887. It was run jointly by Henri Bourrit (1841–1890) and Jacques Simmler (1841–1901).


Right at the beginning of their joint careers, the architects dealt with building tasks that should continue to accompany their careers: The (Protestant) church building - the church in Menton (around 1868) was followed by churches in Annecy , Sitten (in Swiss wood style ), Freiburg (in Romanesque -Gothic forms) and La Chaux-de-Fonds (with Gothic formal vocabulary) - and with the construction of villas. Of the numerous villas in and around Geneva, the Villa Flood in Cologny and the Villa Bartholony near Versoix should be mentioned here.

In addition, contracts from the public sector came later, also emerging from competitions, such as the buildings of the École des arts industriels and the École de Chimie in Geneva. In 1877 the office won the competition for the federal court in Lausanne, but the contract was then awarded to Benjamin Recordon . As a result, Bourrit, probably out of disappointment, gave up his professorship in Lausanne. When Simmler moved back to his hometown in 1887, the partners closed the office, but were still working on joint projects.

Buildings (selection)

  • Evangelical Church , Menton between 1864 and 1868
  • Villa Britannique , Cannes
  • Evangelical Church , Annecy 1870
  • Residential and commercial buildings , Carrée Boulevard Georges Favon / Rue du Stand / Quai de la Poste 1871
  • Reformed Church , Freiburg 1874–1875
  • Temple Indépendant , La Chaux-de-Fonds 1875–1877
  • Reformed Church , Sion 1876, replaced by a new building in 1968
  • Zurich Stock Exchange , competition 1876–1877 (5th prize)
  • École des arts industriels , Geneva 1876–1880 (today École des arts decoratifs )
  • Federal Court , Competition, Lausanne 1877 (1st prize, executed by Benjamin Recordon)
  • École de Chimie , Geneva 1878–1879
  • Sans-Souci Palace , Versoix 1882–1884
  • El-Masr Castle , Cologny 1883–1884
  • Villa Wenden , Cannes 1888–1890


  • Catherine Courtiau: Bourrit and Simmler. In: Isabelle Rucki and Dorothee Huber (eds.): Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland - 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel 1998, ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 . P. 78

supporting documents

  1. Gilles Barbey, Armand Brulhart, Georg Germann: Inventory of the newer Swiss architecture , 1850-1920 . Geneva. In: Society for Swiss Art History (Ed.): INSA . tape 4 . Orell Füssli, Zurich 1982, ISBN 3-280-01398-4 , p. 340 , col. 1 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-5496 ( [accessed on September 17, 2015]).
  2. INSA Volume 4 p. 241 ( )
  3. ^ Jacques Gubler: Inventory of the newer Swiss architecture , 1850-1920 . La Chaux-de-Fonds. In: Society for Swiss Art History (Ed.): INSA . tape 3 . Orell Füssli, Zurich 1982, ISBN 3-280-01397-6 , p. 201 , col. 2 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-4535 ( [accessed on September 17, 2015]).
  4. ^ Catherine Raemy-Berthod: Inventory of modern Swiss architecture , 1850–1920 . Sion. In: Society for Swiss Art History (Ed.): INSA . tape 9 . Orell Füssli, Zurich 2003, ISBN 3-280-05069-3 , p. 83 , col. 3 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-10094 ( [accessed on September 17, 2015]).
  5. INSA Volume 4 p. 341 ( )
  6. INSA Volume 4 p. 369 ( )