Brachymeria minuta

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Brachymeria minuta
Brachymeria cf.minuta

Brachymeria cf.minuta

Partial order : Legimmen (Terebrantia)
Superfamily : Wood Wasps (Chalcidoidea)
Family : Chalcididae
Subfamily : Chalcidinae
Genre : Brachymeria
Type : Brachymeria minuta
Scientific name
Brachymeria minuta
( Linnaeus , 1767)

Brachymeria minuta is a species of wasps belonging tothe Chalcididae family .


The wasps are between 3 and 7 mm long. They have a black basic color. The eyes are colored slate gray. The tegulae are light yellow. The front two pairs of legs are colored yellow at the transition from femur to tibia . The posterior femora are thickened. They have a large yellow-brown distal spot. The posterior tibia has a yellow spot at the top halfway along its length. The distal end of the posterior tibia is also colored yellow. The tarsi are light brown-orange in color.


The distribution area of ​​the wasp species in Europe extends from Sweden and Great Britain in the north over Central Europe to the Mediterranean area. Furthermore, the species occurs in North Africa, in parts of Asia (Orient and Eastern Palearctic) and in Australia.

Way of life

The wasp wasp is a parasitoid of various two-winged birds from the families of the meat fly (Sarcophagidae), caterpillar flies and blow flies (Calliphoridae). In addition, by Brachymeria minuta butterflies of families or subfamilies of tiger moth (Arctiinae) gelechiidae (Gelechiidae) Dickkopffalter (Hesperiidae) Glucken (Lasiocampidae), tussock moths (Lymantriinae), cutworm (Noctuidae), Whites (Pieridae) winder (Tortricidae ) as well as spider and bud moths (Yponomeutidae) parasitized. Brachymeria minuta is particularly considered to be a parasitoid of Atherigona orientalis , a representative of the real flies (Muscidae) and a pest of pepper and tomato plants.


The following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Chalcis minuta Linnaeus , 1767
  • Vespa minuta Linnaeus , 1767

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Brachymeria minuta . Retrieved July 13, 2018.
  2. a b Brachymeria minuta in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved July 13, 2018
  3. Express - PRA for Atherigona orientalis (PDF, 117 KB) Julius Kühn Institute, Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants. February 11, 2016. Retrieved July 13, 2018.

Web links

Commons : Brachymeria minuta  - collection of images, videos and audio files