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Edmond Hoyle (1672–1769)

Brag is a very old English game of chance and, like Poch , Belle, Fluss and Thirty-one and Bouillotte or Brelan, is one of the forerunners of poker . Edmond Hoyle (1672–1769) wrote a treatise on Brag. Brag may have developed from Primero , an older Spanish card game related to L'Hombre .

The rules


Brag is played by five or six, sometimes more, players with a pack of 52-hand French playing cards . The ranking of the cards is the same as for whist , with a few exceptions. There are no trumps .

Three pots are created; each player pays a bet (one token) in each of the three pots and receives three cards: the first two face down, the third face up.

The first pot

The owner of the highest open card, regardless of suit , wins the first pot. If two players have the same highest card, the forehand wins, i.e. H. the one who sits closer to the divider. A special rule applies to the -Ass: Always Who holds this card wins.

The second pot

William Hogarth "Die Spielhölle" from A Rake's Progress - painting around 1735

In the second pot bet (ger .: bet or brag ) players against each other, who has the highest hand. The highest combination of cards is a

  • Pair-royal (three of a kind). If two players have three of a kind, the rank is decisive.
  • Pair . If two players have a pair, the rank of the pair decides.

The -ube can be used as a joker and replace any card: B. two twos with the jack count as pair royal in twos, two aces with the jack count as pair royal in aces. Sometimes the -bub is granted the same right, but the -bub counts less than the -bub: e. B. two threes and a jack beat the other two threes with the jack.

  • The description of the Encyclopædia Britannica on which this representation is based does not explicitly say what happens if two players have the same pair - the rule here is that in this case the player who sits closer to the divider wins, like this is the case when deciding on the first deployments.
  • Betting is like in poker, there is only one betting round. The player to the left of the divider opens, he can either wait (in poker: check ) or bet ( bet ). As soon as a player has bet, the following players can either fold , hold ( call ) or raise ( raise ).

The third pot

The third pot is won by the player with a card value of 31 pips or as close as possible to 31 points. Aces and picture cards count as ten points, but the ace can also be counted as one or eleven points by agreement. Players can buy cards from the talon , but if you overbought, you lose immediately (cf. Vingt et un , Trente et un ).

If a player wins all three pots, he receives an additional bet from each player, sometimes two or three, depending on the agreement.

Deal alternates clockwise after each game, just like whist. A game should only end when every player has shared the cards the same number of times.


Web links

  • Brag was played in many different forms; see: Description at .