Braginsky Collection

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Detail of an Esther scroll from the Braginsky Collection

The Braginsky Collection is a collection of the Swiss entrepreneur René Braginsky based in Zurich , which is considered the largest private collection of Hebrew manuscripts worldwide.

Braginsky started collecting in the 1990s. The trigger was the Bar Mitzvah of Braginky's son David: The father was looking for a copy of a Birkat Hamason , a grace period, for the occasion . Since he couldn't find a suitable one, he had the facsimile edition of an old manuscript made. From this his fascination for old Jewish writings and wedding certificates developed.

The collection now comprises around 800 objects, including around 80 manuscripts and early printed books, several hundred illuminated marriage contracts and Esther scrolls . The oldest manuscript in the collection is the Sefer Mitzvot gadol by the rabbinical scholar Mose ben Jakob, a Talmudist from Coucy ( France ) from 1288. The curator of the collection is the Dutch Hebrew Emile Schrijver .

Parts of the collection were shown to the public for the first time in 2009 in the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana ; exhibitions at the Yeshiva University Museum in New York (2010), the Israel Museum in Jerusalem (2010–2011), the Swiss National Museum in Zurich (2011–2012) and the Jewish Museum in Berlin (2014) followed.


  • Evelyn M. Cohen, Emile Schrijver , Sharon Mintz (Eds.): A Journey through Jewish Worlds. Highlights from the Braginsky Collection of Hebrew Manuscripts and Printed Books . Waanders Publishers, 2010, ISBN 90-400-7654-5 .
  • Emile Schrijver / Falk Wiesemann et al. (Ed.): Nice pages. Jewish writing culture from the Braginsky Collection . Scheidegger & Spiess, 2011, ISBN 978-3-85881-332-9 .

Web links

Commons : Braginsky Collection  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "The Creation of the World. Illustrated Manuscripts from the Braginsky Collection". In: April 3, 2014, accessed March 20, 2020 .
  2. Pascal Ihle: The Financier and the Judaica Collection - trade newspaper. In: Retrieved March 20, 2020 .
  3. Ida Labudović: "Collectors are short-term owners". In: Nunu. 2013, pp. 41–43 , accessed on March 20, 2020 .
  4. Sefer Mitzvot Gadol. In: July 3, 2019, accessed March 20, 2020 .