Bracteates from Nebenstedt

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The discovery of the bracteates of Nebenstedt from the 6th century AD was made in 1859 during drainage work south of Nebenstedt , a district of Dannenberg in the Lüchow-Dannenberg district in Lower Saxony . The 11 bracteates , made of thin gold sheet, were probably worn around the neck on a cord or a ring.

A standing man looking to the left is depicted on five bracteates - so-called B bracteates . Three are coined with the same stamp. The other two bear a rune inscription: "I, the shiny-eyed, consecrate these runes" and "Leek (= flourish), property, god-horse, protection".

Four bracteates are so-called D-bracteates with the same stamp. They show a snake-like animal with a bird of prey beak.

Two are stamped so-called F-bracteates with a bird-like animal. A bracteate shows an as yet unresolved runic inscription in front of the animal's beak . The treasure sunk in the moor will be an offering.


  • Morten Axboe, Urs Clavadetscher, K. Düwel, Karl Hauck, Lutz von Padberg : The golden bracteates of the migration period. Iconographic catalog (=  Münster medieval writings . Volume 24 ). 3 volumes in 7 parts, 1985–1989. Fink, ISSN  0178-0425 , OCLC 489963743 .
  • Klaus Düwel: Letter magic and alphabet magic. On the inscriptions of the gold bracteates and their function as amulets . In: Early Medieval Studies . No. 22 . De Gruyter, 1988, ISSN  0071-9706 , p. 70-110 .
  • Klaus Düwel: To evaluate the bracteate inscriptions. Knowledge of runes and runic inscriptions as characteristics of the upper classes . In: Karl Hauck (Hrsg.): The historical horizon of the god image amulets from the transition period from late antiquity to the early Middle Ages . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1992, ISBN 3-525-82587-0 .
  • Karl Hauck , Klaus Düwel : Gold bracteates from Sievern. Late antique amulet images d. Dania Saxonica ud Sachsen-Origo with Widukind von Corvey . In: Münstersche Medieval Scriptures, Vol. 1 . W. Fink, 1970, ISSN  0178-0425 .
  • Karl Hauck: The religious and social historical source value of the golden bracteates during the migration period . In: Heinrich Beck , Detlev Ellmers , Kurt Schier (Eds.): Germanische Religionsgeschichte, Ergbd. 5 to the real dictionary of Germanic antiquity . de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1992, ISBN 3-11-012872-1 , p. 229-269 .
  • Hans-Jürgen Häßler : Prehistory and early history in Lower Saxony . Theiss, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-8062-0495-0 p. 403

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